At St John’s we believe that a school uniform for all children generates a sense of identity as a community. School colours are navy, white and grey. The uniform is designed to be cost effective and easy-care. By ordering through the school we try to keep costs reasonable. We keep school logo items to a minimum and parents have a choice to use non-logo alternatives in the same colours.
Items marked with * are available for ordering from school:
- All items of clothing must be clearly named throughout the year. This helps us to return lost items.
- Jewellery - A single, small, stud earring may be worn in each ear provided the child can remove them for P.E. by themselves. Otherwise, jewellery should not be worn except for medical identification (which should be removed during P.E. and handed to the teacher or coach in charge, who should be fully aware of the child’s condition and needs).
- Long hair – This must be tied back for safety and hygiene reasons.
- Coats – Children must have a coat suitable for the weather in school every day. We encourage these to be suitable for the weather and not chosen by the colour - as we are located near to a road, being seen is important.
“There is no such thing as bad weather, just being unsuitably dressed.” We love to learn outdoors.
Parent Information
The majority of pupils wear:
Girls - navy tights, kilt, white polo shirt and navy cardigan, in summer they wear the navy checked dress
Boys - grey socks, grey trousers, white polo shirt and navy sweatshirt, shorts in summer
Financial hardship
Please speak with the Headteacher for support in this matter as there are several ways that we can support families. If a family is currently receiving benefits or awaiting an application, then they should contact us as support for uniform is just one of the ways we can help.
Second hand uniform
We are always thankful to receive second hand uniform and our PTA frequently have sales or parents can contact the school office if they have a request at other times. Recycling uniform is good for the environment.