School Governors
What we do
Together we oversee, challenge, support and act as a critical friend to the Headteacher and her team, as we plan the future direction and strategic vision of the school, that will best serve the interests of our current and future children. We do this by:
- Thinking and working strategically to help raise standards of education and care;
- Supporting and challenging the Headteacher and staff;
- Monitoring and evaluating progress towards priority targets;
- Overseeing the financial performance and making sure money is well spent;
- Ensuring accountability to all stakeholders;
- Working with the school's vision and values in mind;
- Enabling children to flourish and let their light shine!
Click here to read our Strategic Plan.
The Full Governing Body meets once a term. If you would like to attend a meeting please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Verina Gibson on
Governors also serve on Committees and in working groups, which meet once or twice a term to help deliver the work streams needed.
Individual governors have responsibility for Child Protection, Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs, Resources, Health and Safety and links with the Diocese and Babcock training provider.
Becoming a Governor
At St John’s our governors are nominated by the Diocese of Guildford, the local PCC, teaching staff and parents. They serve a term of four years, although they can continue for subsequent terms. It is a voluntary role and we endeavour to recruit volunteers with skills that will enable the school to achieve its priority targets.
As St John’s is a voluntary aided school at least half of the governors must be Foundation Governors. Foundation Governors are representative of the Church of England, and are the school’s link with parishes, deaneries and the diocese.
Parent Governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals. They do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights. We are currently looking for one more parent governor so if you are interested, contact one of the governing team or speak to the school office.
Please click here to see the Governors Details and Register of Interest

Governor's Newsletter Autumn 2023
Governor's Newsletter January 2023
Governor's Newsletter Autumn 2021
Governor's Newsletter Autumn 2020