School Governors

What we do

Together we oversee, challenge, support and act as a critical friend to the Headteacher and her team, as we plan the future direction and strategic vision of the school, that will best serve the interests of our current and future children. We do this by:

  • Thinking and working strategically to help raise standards of education and care;
  • Supporting and challenging the Headteacher and staff;
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress towards priority targets;
  • Overseeing the financial performance and making sure money is well spent;
  • Ensuring accountability to all stakeholders;
  • Working with the school's vision and values in mind;
  • Enabling children to flourish and let their light shine!

Click here to read our Strategic Plan


The Full Governing Body meets once a term. If you would like to attend a meeting please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Verina Gibson on

Governors also serve on Committees and in working groups, which meet once or twice a term to help deliver the work streams needed. 

Individual governors have responsibility for Child Protection, Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs, Resources, Health and Safety and links with the Diocese and Babcock training provider. 

Becoming a Governor

At St John’s our governors are nominated by the Diocese of Guildford, the local PCC, teaching staff and parents. They serve a term of four years, although they can continue for subsequent terms.  It is a voluntary role and we endeavour to recruit volunteers with skills that will enable the school to achieve its priority targets.

As St John’s is a voluntary aided school at least half of the governors must be Foundation Governors. Foundation Governors are representative of the Church of England, and are the school’s link with parishes, deaneries and the diocese.

Parent Governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals. They do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights. We are currently looking for one more parent governor so if you are interested, contact one of the governing team or speak to the school office. 

Please click here to see the Governors Details and Register of Interest





Governor's Newsletter Autumn 2023

Governor's Newsletter January 2023

Governor's Newsletter Autumn 2021

Governor's Newsletter Autumn 2020


Clair Craven

Chair of Governors

I joined the governing body in 2017 - both my children attended St John’s and it gave them the very best start to their learning journey. I am a Surrey Local Leader in Governance and a Trustee of a South West London MAT. My background is in ICT, and with over 20 years' experience within both public and private sectors, I now run my own marketing consultancy company. I passionately believe that schools have a responsibility to provide the best academic education and a caring, safe and most of all, happy and enjoyable environment where children are treated as unique individuals and supported to achieve their full potential. Working with our governing body, our partners and our wider community, I aim to create that unique and nurturing environment for the children at St John's.

Alice Jones

Foundation Governor, Vice Chair

I am delighted to be a governor and enjoy learning from and working with my committed and enthusiastic fellow governors and all the staff at the school. I am founder of my own company which I set up over 16 years ago, and the best part of my work involves mentoring and guiding young students who find education a struggle. I strongly believe that formative educational experiences are the key to successful career outcomes and I relish the opportunity to be part of a school that has such a warm and caring environment for all. My main focus as a governor is to ensure we are all mindful of mental health and wellbeing, alongside maintaining the very high academic standards achieved at the school, particularly in a rapidly changing world.

Ewan Austin

Parent Governor

I am over the moon to have been appointed parent governor for St Johns. I look forward to putting forwards a parent's view for consideration in how we help mould the future of the school and provide the fantastic pupils with the best start to their education. I have spent time helping the PTA and decided that this role would be a great opportunity to assist the school in a different way. I am an engineer and have a strong focus on resource/funding and environmental issues faced by the school. I Chair the Resources Committee in addition to being on the Full Governing Body.

Lisa Dunleavy

Foundation Governor

I jumped at the chance to become a governor for St John's and was thrilled to be appointed. Although I have only lived in Churt for the last two years, my family and I have been living in this beautiful area for almost twenty years. I was keenly involved in the PTA at my children’s school as I have always been interested in education, inspired both by my mum who worked as a teacher when I was growing up and as a lecturer myself. By trade I am a historian, information architect in IT, project manager and most recently a full time carer. I am keen to help support the school in their aspiration to see all children reach their full potential and I am looking forward to exploring what additional opportunities, resources and funding can be sourced to achieve this goal.

Rev Helen Hancock

Ex-Officio Governor

As the Vicar at St John’s, I am absolutely delighted to be an ex officio Governor. I have three grown up children and over the years have served on two other governing bodies of primary schools; although every school is different, as every child is different. The part time nature of my role may restrict the time I can offer, but I am committed to building great relationships between the school and the church, ensuring the centrality of the Christian faith within the school and being part of giving the children the best possible foundation for flourishing so that their lights can shine.

Myra Johnson

Foundation Governor

A resident of Churt for almost 40 years, I worked in business process, systems and information management roles for ICL, Xerox and, more recently, for Imperial College. Now retired, I am delighted to have more time to enjoy the outstanding natural environment that surrounds Churt, and for voluntary roles with 1st Churt Scout Group and local schools, in both the state and independent sectors. As a foundation governor at St John's, my special interests are to support the school in fostering creativity, valuing diversity, and in developing the children's understanding of the natural sciences, and an appreciation of the natural environment.

Peter Luckham

Foundation Governor

I have lived in Churt for over 50 years. I became the Caretaker and Crossing Patrol Officer at St John’s School, where I spent a happy 25 years. As a former pupil of Tiffin Boys School, Kingston, I am very keen to help maintain the highest possible standard of learning at St John’s within a happy and healthy environment. Wishing to continue my connection with the school I accepted a role on the Governing Body.

Lisa Margretts

Staff Governor

Nicola Perkin

Foundation Governor

My two children attended St Johns and I was instantly won over by its warmth. I am really proud to be working with this governing team delivering projects as part of the Full Governing Body. As a resident of Churt I am passionate about the school's connection with the community and local church. My day job is in communications so I hope to share my knowledge and experience in this area with the school. I look forward to supporting this unique and gorgeous village school, helping the pupils experience the best of infant school life.

Marion Stevens

Head Teacher, Ex-Officio Governor

Marion has been with the St John's family for over 19 years having worked across all year groups before undertaking the role of Head in December 2018. Marion is an inspirational and inclusive leader, with strong links within the community. Her drive for innovation combined with her sense of fun ensure all children thrive under her care.

Governors' Section

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