Our School Day
8.30am to 3.00pm
Getting the most out of every day!
We request that you bring your child to school in good time for the start of the school day and as such classroom doors open from 8.30am. We ask that parents take their child to the classroom door from this time. Children must be in school by 8.45am when the register will be closed.
Please collect your child from their teacher at the end of the day at 3.00pm. If there is any change to your normal collection arrangements please let the office know in advance.
If you arrive late at the start of the school day (the gate is locked) you will need to enter at the school office, where you will be asked to complete the late arrival register.
A Typical Day at St John’s School

Items each child will need at school every day:
- Book bag
- Water bottle
- Waterproof coat all year round